
Monday, April 17, 2006


Its been an eventful and happening 8 months here in gurgaon. I am still not clear what made me choose gurgaon..why not Bangalore, or Hyderabad or even Mumbai or Pune..!!May be some kind of inner instinct...or a..."Gut Feeling"..was involved.Whatever it was it is working so far..!!And my "Gut Feeling" not letting me down nowadays(touch wood)!..Lessons learned?..there are quite few of

--There is nothing called "Preparation" for an interview! You just can't...!!What you say on that particular day and that particular hour decides about "In" or "Out". If you prepare for some questions..they will never be asked...!!

--The most popular and the most important and the most boring question ever is "Tell us something about yourself!?"

--Always stick to the skill set you enjoy working and speacialize in....a small start of the career with that skill set is much better than having a big start but with a skill set you really never expected to work on!! in due course you will start to lag! Its like the slog overs in a one day match.. first 15 overs generally set the match up!

--There is nothing called "Trying your best"! Remember what Nike says "Just Do It!".

--Whatever the status of the project is should be properly documented! Those documents are what your senior looks for!

--Never loose track of the backend... you should remember the structure the way you know the route back to your home!

--Be ready for any challenge... never say "no" to a given task!!

--Logic matters.....syntax is like shifting your home to a new place!!

--Long hours spent in the office count for nothing if result is not proportional to it!...Being in office before everyone and leaving after everyone can show that you are not capable enough!

--Remember the word "Professional" are being paid to do the job....never take the job personally!

--use the whiteboard on your desk..its the best place to set "reminders".

--keep the desk clean and tidy..a messy desk does not show that you are too busy. There are busier people around with a much cleaner desk.

--Keep your eyes and ears open......thats the best way of learning new things.

--Communication matters!!...being a professional is like selling yourself! remember the door-to-door salesperson.....that person always has the best product in least thats how he/she presents it!!

--There is nothing called a "Secure Job"... remember the terms and conditions document you signed on joining day....they can terminate your job one fine morning...and they are not supposed to explain ...!!

--Having no work to do in office is lethal!!

--Flying high and thinking big is harmless as long as you remember in which direction the runway is and how to land?!!

--Network nicely.....remember..the person sitting next to you can be your future boss..!!

--follow the dress code ...there is a reason behind it!!

this is the most crazy one.....

--talk to works!!

there are so many of them......endless!!.....The key is....remembering each and every one of them on each step of the career!!


_ said...

good one mate!

Eva said...

how true...probably these are the "values" that make a professional...