
Monday, December 31, 2007

Coming soon...2008!!

Its 1.00 AM, 31 st december 2007, when am posting this on. In all probable cases this is the last post of an eventful and fruitful year 2007.
Achievements wise the year went by quite nicely. Work has never been an issue for me so professional achievements take care of themselves. But the actual achievement is felt when people around you at workplace look upto you for guidance, advice and help. This increases reponsibilities but i think you need responsibilities to keep raising the bar.

Another small achievement is actually related with this Blog. Its now over 2 year since it went online. 2 year and 4 months to be more precise. Wow!! survived the lack of creativity that i usually suffer with.
The year actually flew by, very fast. A home, a car, increasing responsibilities at work, feel like everything just pounced upon me. Still, there is a feeling of restlessness...may be there is more to achieve, more to conquer.
Talking about the car...first 400 Kms went by pretty smooth. No hastles, no fuss. Got the registration no. couple of days back. The driving experience is amazing, specially the electronic power steering. Fuel consumption is pretty neat and the car as whole is living upto my expectations so far.

Watching heads turning towards the car is becoming a daily routine, since the model is new on india roads. A couple of days back i was waiting for my turn on a fuel station and a girl waiting in the next bay was looking quite curious about the car. she got off her santro (same company, different model), walked upto my car and asked about the fuel efficiency of the car, well..she got the answer but that was just one of the incidents. There have been quite a few of them and everytime a new question from every person.
One funny example:

the person: How is this car doing?
me: very good
the person: shall i buy one of these?
me: what are you waiting for...??!!

Now few questions:

1. Do you follow Formula-1?

2. If you follow, then do you know there is now and indian team on the circuits?

If you dont know then you should know and be prepared to back

force-india in the 2008 season.

Wishing everyone a very happy new year!!



Piyush Raj Sinha said...

Nice Car Buddy !!

HaPpY NeW YeAr ToO YoU

Unknown said...

Nice car!
loving the red stripy thing on the bonnet.... But what do you mean "Got the registration no. couple of days back". How can you be driving around with out a reg no??

Shall I bring my licence with me so I can drive?? Is my licence valid there?

GAGAN said...

hehe,,that red stripy thing is just a ribbon...those show room guys put it on every new car rolling out..The takes some ime here to get assined...for that duration we get temp numbers...u can see the temp number in the pic :)) ur license is not valid here.....:)

Unknown said...

Aaaa- i still liked the red stripy thing. hummm license not valid??? well we'll just have to find a small quite stright road somewhere for me to have go! yeah?

See you in a few days :)

And a very Happy New Year to you!!

GAGAN said...

....the small quite staright road has already been identified...:))
happy new year to you too!!

Sajal said...

uri baba.........tum toh yearwa ko lekar senti maar gaya!!!

chalo koi baat nahin shaam ko dono bhai baithte hain!!! HEH HEEE