necessity is the mother of invention.......
Problem: too many crunch in the basement parking of my office building!!
Solution: increase parking space...
They deployed these!!
these are six slot two level parking bays. One unit provides 5 parking bays as one slot is blank to move the cars around...yes...they can move the cars around in a circular fashion. it is similar to that number shuffler we used to play with in which one slot was always empty.
What they achieved:
Now we get 10 cars parked in a space of 6 cars. There are slots of separate dimensions for large sedans. SUVs dont fit they go on different basement level. Small cars like santro and i10 with extra height go in the middle slot or on the upper level of the unit.
Do you have any idea whom did they hire for this??
or was it taken care by some intelligent in-house fella?
SimPark...its a company specializing in it :)
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